Tag Archives: business

Universities and colleges look to support business with Business Tailor

The Business Tailor website was released recently – it is a university and college collaboration project that aims to provide a gateway to nine of the east of Scotland’s universities and colleges – a one stop shop aimed at streamlining the engagement and enhancing access to knowledge, expertise and consultancy.

On the plus side, I think this is a really positive move by the sector that shows that universities and colleges are keen to work with and support business and they are trying to make the interface simple and supported. And the offer to ‘provide tailored solutions to ensure your exact requirements are met’ is a strong statement of intent.

The challenge for the sector though is relevance and awareness. I’ve spoken to various contacts across industry sectors and although I believe there is interest in the knowledge and expertise in our universities and colleges – however I don’t think they quite get or believe that there is a big enough commercial benefit to justify full engagement.

Hopefully the Business Tailor is a step in the right direction and the service will help bridge the gap between universities and industry. Do you think it will be useful and more importantly, will you use it?